4 Facts You Should Know About Food Storage Containers

It is more and more frequent that both children and adults take their meals to their respective places of study and work. The lunch box is an excellent way to take care of what we eat, however, it is not only enough to take care of the food that we are going to pack but also of the containers that we are going to use. When we take responsibility for what we eat, either by choosing healthier alternatives, calculating the appropriate portions for your lifestyle, respecting the schedules and dedicating the necessary time for that sacred moment of eating, believe me that the body appreciates it by getting less sick and responding with greater vitality.
Just do a simple exercise: have a plate of food that you know you will be satisfied with, read “satisfied” and not “full” or “full”. Next, take the containers that you normally use to pack the food that you carry in your lunch box every day, you will be surprised to find that most will be partially full, they could even look empty, and it applies to adults and children. One of the benefits of doing this exercise is that you will have a visual reference so that next time, you better manage the portion sizes of what you eat and avoid an overload of calories that you may not be able to use and that you will inevitably store in the shape of fat.
You’d be surprised how many people store their food in unsuitable containers every day. Keep in mind that for several hours your food is in direct contact with this material that could make you seriously ill. Some foods can erode the material (for example, aluminium containers tend to be very sensitive to easy food recipes) and within a few hours cause you to consume a significant concentration of highly toxic material.
Although it seems that they will last a lifetime, plastic containers are susceptible to deterioration, especially those that are used for daily reheating or if you use them for direct eating. Keep in mind that by systematically heating and cooling every day, we are subjecting plastic to extreme conditions. This can cause the container to deform, the lid seals lose effectiveness or the material to change colour as a sign of unwanted changes in the material with which it was made. Using silverware, especially knives, can quickly deteriorate plastic and could be a good reservoir for microorganisms that could make you seriously ill. That is why, in order to extend its useful life,
It can be an inexpensive and practical alternative to refill the plastic water bottle several times, however, be aware that they could be responsible for severe gastrointestinal disorders. First, keep in mind that the PET bottles used by water bottlers are manufactured for single use, therefore they are usually susceptible to breakage or deterioration by contact. However, the greatest risk is microbiological, since the remains of saliva that you leave in the mouth of the bottle comes into contact with the liquid and gives way to the development of microorganisms that could cause diseases.
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